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Bad seal on deck hatch

I'd say that's not normal, and the hatch needs to be removed and reset. It also looks like the hole is a bit big for the hatch, or it's not centered in the hole.
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Ha, I do know it's not normal, but just wanted to vent my frustration. It looks to me as the factory put the bead of caulk/sealer on the hatch itself, and put it in somewhat uncentered. This caused the sealer to totally miss the deck. I was able to re set it with a larger bead of 3m 4000UV and it seems to be sealed ok now.
I would have contacted your Regal dealer and filed a warranty claim for this. It's poor workmanship.
In hindsight I would do the same. I didn't yet have a relationship with the local Regal dealer yet, and it was $1200 for the dealership I purchased it from to pick it up. It only took me a couple of hours to re-bed it. I haven't had any trouble with it since.
In hindsight I would do the same. I didn't yet have a relationship with the local Regal dealer yet, and it was $1200 for the dealership I purchased it from to pick it up. It only took me a couple of hours to re-bed it. I haven't had any trouble with it since.
That's good and probably the most expeditious way to tackle it. My Regal dealer (AM/PM Marine of Pasadena, MD) told me outright that any service/warranty claims/interactions I have with them regarding my boat, I am automatically down at the bottom of any queue they have, because I didn't purchase my boat from them. If had bought my boat from them, then I would be considered a customer with higher priority.

Needless to say, I haven't darkened their doorway since. It took them 9 months to replace my throttle handle under Volvo/Regal warranty last year, and they sat on the part for six months over the winter and didn't do squat toward initiating the repair until I REALLY rattled their cage with Regal and Volvo to get them to do what was a couple hour warranty replace/repair job.

Since then, I just go with another very responsive and communicative Volvo-authorized repair/service facility here in Annapolis. There is no lack of Volvo authorized service here.

And when I upgrade my Regal 28 to a larger model in a couple of years, I'll be going either to the Regal Dealer in Ocean City, MD or to the nearest one in northern Virginia, near Washington DC. Screw AM/PM Marine, their attitude lost me as a customer forever.