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Search results

  1. J

    Bad seal on deck hatch

    In hindsight I would do the same. I didn't yet have a relationship with the local Regal dealer yet, and it was $1200 for the dealership I purchased it from to pick it up. It only took me a couple of hours to re-bed it. I haven't had any trouble with it since.
  2. J

    Need help identifying a couple of wires in the engine harness

    I recently had work done to my Regal 28 Express where they had to pull the motor. When it was returned to me, the engine harness was not secured and some of the wiring got pinched in the steering. I think everything is ok, except for 2 wires that appear broken. Everything seems to work as...
  3. J

    Missing boat manufacturers and models

    These have been added as requested. For the sailboats, we are not listing every model until we get a request for that model as there are a million different models for some of them. If your model doesn't exists, post your question in the General forum under that manufacturer and be sure to...
  4. J

    Missing boat manufacturers and models

    We'll work to get them added. Please give us a couple of days. Thank you.
  5. J

    Bad seal on deck hatch

    I'd say that's not normal, and the hatch needs to be removed and reset. It also looks like the hole is a bit big for the hatch, or it's not centered in the hole.